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We prioritize workplace safety with a diverse selection of industry compliant safety products ranging from Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to workwear and safety equipment to cater to the diverse needs of businesses across various industries including mining, ensuring they are fully equipped with the right safety supplies to handle the hazardous environment they operate in.


We pride ourselves on the ability to provide an extensive range of PPE that meet the highest safety standards and offer reliable protection of workers in hazardous environments without compromising their comfort or mobility.

Our PPE range covers everything from high-visibility vests and coveralls to safety footwear and helmets, safety glasses, gloves, respiratory masks and other related products from the most reputable brands worldwide.

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Specialized in high-visibility workwear designed to enhance safety in various work environments, Vizwell product range includes safety vests, jackets, pants, and coveralls, all crafted with reflective materials to ensure maximum visibility. Vizwell workwear is known for its durability, comfort, and compliance with safety standards, making it ideal for mining, construction, roadwork, and other high-risk jobs.

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Safetoe is a leading brand in safety footwear that combines innovative design with robust materials to offer excellent performance and compliance with safety standards. Safetoe products include high-quality, durable, and comfortable shoes and boots designed to protect workers in various industries, featuring steel or composite toe caps, slip-resistant soles, and puncture-resistant midsoles to ensure maximum protection against workplace hazards.

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In addition to High visibility clothes, we provide a unique assortment of practical and durable workwear designed for comfort, professionalism and safety in various workplaces. Our selection covers everything from T-Shirts and Shirts to coveralls, flame-resistant clothing and other related clothing that suit businesses of all sizes . Trust Auto Lubumbashi for the attire needed by your staff for safe and effective performance on the job.

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To add custom designs, logos, and texts to your workwear, protective clothing as well as any other clothing, we provide embroidery services that suit the needs of both individuals and businesses. Whether you need personalized uniforms, promotional merchandise, or custom gifts, our embroidery service provides high-quality, durable stitching with a professional finish. Our team can work with you to create unique custom designs or replicate existing logos and artwork. Using cutting-edge embroidery machines and a wide selection of thread colors, we can bring your imagination to life with precision and accuracy.



Because safety cannot be complete without firefighting equipment to help you safeguard your properties and personnel in the event of a fire emergency, we bring you a broad selection of fully certified fire extinguishers designed to handle different fire classes, from water and foam extinguishers to dry powder and CO2 extinguishers. We also provide modern solutions consisting of fire balls heat 



A crucial component of safety gear that businesses operating in mining cannot ignore.

With different mounting options and light colors available, our beacons provide excellent warning effect in the close and far range and are very durable in use due their extremely solid production. Trust Auto Lubumbashi for reliable beacons to enhance safety on the road as well as in your workplace



With safety at the core of our offering to mining companies, we provide a broad range of safety equipment including beacons, safety flags, safety signs, barricades, wheel chocks, fire safety equipment and emergency response kits to enhance mining safety and compliance.

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